Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Synopsis 10 - The Sword Coast - Baldur's Gate and Beyond

Active Characters - Voxen, Alvar (Chisai), Brianna, Peck
Active Cohorts - None
Inactive Characters Present- None
Inactive Cohorts Present- None
Inactive Characters Not Present - Ulrich, Rorrick, Brock, Schoon-chee 
Inactive Cohorts Not Present - Elayne
NPCs Attached to Group- Peck Godfrey

Notable NPCs - Garrick Godfrey

The smoke had cleared. Voxen, Alvar, and Peck stood there and looked at each other. Atop four nearby shanties stood 4 humanoids dressed in Red clothing, red masks with Studded Leather armor. They each drew a flaming sword from their scabbards.

One of the enemy ordered Alvar to give up his sword, but Alvar simply said, " You will have to pry it from my cold dead hands." The enemy attacked. Voxen called a small storm that hovered over an opponent a moment before letting down a bolt of lighting that the enemy dodged. Brianna went to work healing damage from the explosion that tore apart Pecks house. One of the enemies overswung and lost his sword (rolled 1;3) near Alvar, where reaching it would cause an Attack of opportunity. Voxen turned into a small flame elemental which stunned the enemy in front of him. Alvar, mustering his strength and skill, sliced completely through en enemy, (Crit threat, 20, 20, Crit) Alvar's sword smacking the enemy's sword and it landing in the chest of another enemy that Peck had moved to attack. After the last enemy fell, 8 more Red suited enemies appeared nearby.

Then a hail of arrows and crossbow bolts filled the sky, and the Red enemies fled. New characters, dressed in dark clothing and running through the shanty town chased the opponents towards the north. 

Jerome was up at this point, and two shady characters approached. One, a female Teifling with a pointed tail and the other a human. They answered some of the questions and provided a map of the sewer system to Peck to help him get to his fathers estate. 

The party went to a temple of Tymorra, called the Lady's Hall to get healing when Chanthalas Ulbright, the resident Cleric, gave a tome to the party. The tome was the Tome of Understanding. What luck, in the temple of the Goddess of Luck. 

The party crept through the sewers to the estate of Garric Godfrey and came up through a ladder into a closet in the basement of the estate. Peck went to investigate and located a dead body. It was one of his fathers trusted bodyguards. It appeared his had clawed at his forearm repeatedly, but otherwise died from wounds. 

Peck went up and scouted above and saw another of the bodyguards. He lured him into the basement where the party was able to disarm his armlet, deciding it was the cause of the strange behavior. The party went upstairs and lured another bodyguard into the basement and disarmed her armlet as well. 

Then the party went to investigate upstairs and soon there were more bodyguards, both Garrick's personal and a large group of hirelings that were working for Xanthad. Voxen stayed below and fought the horde while the others raced upstairs and confronted Garric and his last bodyguard.

The bodyguard was put to sleep by Brianna and after Peck questioned his father, his father was (supernaturally) able to break through his mind control to remove his armlet. Once this happened, the Shadow Daemon recaptured his host and attacked Peck with a Wicked Dagger. Peck was laid low, and the enemy continued their attack on the rest of the party. 

The dagger was broken and the Shadow Demon was released. Voxen turned into a Gorilla and charged the Shadow Demon through the wall of the estate into the sunny outdoors, where the Shadow Demon was powerless. 

Garrick Godfrey was saved but very weak. Peck was healed and the party found out from Garrick where Xanthad was. The party went to Duke Eltan of the Flaming Fists where a mighty army was formed to attack the Godfrey Warehouse and defeat Xanthad. 

As the army marched toward the warehouse, a cracking sound emitted from the Warehouse and soon the roof fell in, a swirling vortex sucked in the entire area around the warehouse. The party stood and watched until the vortex disappeared and the dome shaped purple sphere faded out of existence. 

The party decided to use their Staff of Teleportation to teleport to their camp at Ulcasters and gather anyone who wanted to come and then teleported to the 245th layer of the Abyss. 

XP - Combat 2500
Session XP - 2000
Bonus XP was issued during or after session

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Synopsis 9 - The Sword Coast - Baldur's Gate Haunted by the Past

Active Characters - Shoonchee, Peck Godfrey, Sa'ar, Alvar (Chisai), Voxen
Inactive Characters Present - none
Inactive Cohorts Present - none
Inactive Characters Not Present - Ulrich, Warrick, Galdroon, Rorrick, Briana
NPCs Present - none

As the party traveled towards Baldur's Gate, Peck gave some rough description of the city.


Little Calimshan - 

Little Calimshan is often the loudest, liveliest, and most chaotic place in Baldur’s Gate, aside from the Wide. The scent of cinnamon and the sounds of exotic, reeded instruments often slip over its encircling walls and draw the curious toward adventure and mystery. When visiting Little Calimshan, it is best to enter during the day through one of the district’s arched
gateways. After dark, most of the doors to the outside and many within the district are closed and barred to impede the neighborhood’s plague of burglars. Thieves still move around after dark, prowling above the streets along the district’s thick walls and crowded
rooftops, but at least their paths are made more difficult and visible.

The Clown Masks - 

Outside of Little Calimshan was a salesmen selling Clown masks. The Masks Voxen had seen before.  


The Oasis - 

A dingy bungalow in Little Calimshan. Its proprietor, Ibiz, slathers his blotchy face in heavy, pale makeup. The effect is disturbing rather than pleasing to the eye. The heavy Calishite human greets characters from the establishment’s veranda and grandly motions them inside, where he offers cushion seats and tea and casually probes the newcomers’ interest in gambling, poppy dreams, and tender liaisons.


Upper City - 

The Upper City exudes wealth. Its buildings shutters and doors bear vibrant colors and are smartly maintained. Its streets are wide, and its terrain is nearly flat. At night, the magic lamps that hang from ornate arms extending streetward from most buildings keep its
avenues well lit. Rain runs off raised roads into drains, rather than pooling or flowing down streets, and sewers carry away waste. Flowering plants that hang from windows and climbing walls—and a ban on smelly businesses—help to sweeten the Upper City’s air.
Every Upper City citizen is either a patriar; a servant of a patriar often coming from a proud line of retainers to the nobility; a Watch member, often also a hereditary post; or an affluent business owner. Upper City establishments serve the patriars and other wealthy customers almost exclusively. This part of the city has few inns and no public taverns. Patriars do their drinking at home, in private clubs, or on overnight soirees into the Lower City. Few doors in the Upper City are open at night, and the streets are devoid of activity except for Watch patrols.

The Elfsong Tavern - 

One of the most well-known establishments in Baldur’s Gate is located a few blocks from the Basilisk Gate in Eastway. The name of this tavern comes from
its unearthly tenant—a disembodied elven voice whose song occasionally fills the tavern. The singing isn’t loud enough to disrupt conversation, but it is clear, beautiful, and lamenting. The ballad’s lyrics make clear that the ghostly lady is lamenting a lover lost at sea, but no one is sure how she came to haunt the tavern. The song often moves folk to tears, even when they can’t understand the archaic dialect. Many customers frequent the tavern just to hear the melancholy ballad. During the song’s infrequent occurrences, a customary hush overtakes the crowd, and any noisy patrons find dangerous looks leveled at themselves. Customers are expected to be armed, and the known custom is that all patrons need to watch their backs except when the sad lady’s singing. Elves hearing her song for the first time often appear stunned. By tradition, the bartender silently serves a first-time elf customer a free tallglass of elverquisst. First-time customers of any race who weep upon hearing the song usually find regular patrons putting comforting arms around them. By tradition, music of an sort is not sung or played in the tavern. The ghostly lady has the audience to herself. The Elfsong Tavern’s ground floor is a taproom that serves hearty, salty meals and saltier snacks—to encourage drinking, of course. Blue-glassed lanterns with blue flames (a Felogyr’s Fireworks product) light the dark interior. Several cramped, twisting stairways lead from the taproom to upstairs meeting rooms that can be rented by the hour. Staffers politely ‘warn occupants when time is running short. Alan Alvth, the tavern’s handsome, graying proprietor, has run the establishment for decades. His half-elf mother’s elven blood has kept him living longer and looking better than full-blooded humans his age. Myth continues his mother’s tradition of offering patrons an informal, secret banking service. He provides an extension of sorts on bar tabs, enabling customers to deposit money or take out loans, if Ayth trusts them enough.


The party entered into the city from the northeast, landing in Little Calimishan during noontime. They ran into Pecks old friend and teacher, Jerome, who was not happy about Pecks new 'heroic' friends. He tried to get Peck to leave and help him start thieving again, but Peck declined.

The party went to the Oasis in Little Calimshan where the party discussed plans while Alvar was approached by an escort. 

Later they traveled into the city and went to the Elfsong Tavern where they discussed events with a high level party who apparently had been thrown back into an alternate universe. 

Thorgrim Toolbearer - Dwarven Fighter/Barbarian/Rogue
Alimural - Elven Sorcerer
Jack - Human Monk

The high level party teleported out, and soon another group entered the Elfsong. They had sharp features like those from Kara-Tur. After a challenge by Alvar, they immediately left. The party followed and caught the men ascending the wall infront of them. 

The party was able to capture one of the men, and took them to Peck's house (which was considerably secure). They began to question the man and soon the learned that the scroll on him had a secret. That if it was spun on the air an image would appear. Alvar spun the scroll and saw a moving image of himself. Pecks old acquaintance arrived at this time, Jerome, who questioned why the party had the man at all. He said he came alone. 

During the conversation, the door was knocked on and it was a friend of Jerome who insisted they leave quickly because enemies were nearby.

Then all of a sudden, the poorly made house exploded around them. When the dust cleared, the party stood and looked about.

On top of some nearby rooftops were men dressed in what appeared to be red. 

Schoon-chee reached out her hand and a few of the party members teleported away with her. 

Session XP: Each player 2000 xp.