Monday, August 21, 2017

Synopsis 2

"We want to fight," Loudon the Cooper said. The other civilian men grunted in agreement. "We will send the women and children down the river to safety, then we fight for our city. It is our decision, let us know when you are ready to go out and fight."

Umberto went back upstairs into the keep tower and informed the party of the wishes of the citizens. "They said let them know, so we just won't let them know."

The storm hit hard, and the mangonels stopped hurling their cascade of rocks. Visibility was very poor. Lightning was everywhere and it seemed like the Gods were upset. Realizing the Zhents would be at them soon, the party decided to retreat into the Caves. Members started descending down the ladder until only Umberto was left. And there he immediately covered the entrance to the tunnel with furniture, ensuring it was heavy enough no one could get through.

The party made their way into the tunnel, miserably low on spells, until they made it to the underground river. There the civilians and they entered the water and made their way out to the River Tesh. The civilians, Ignacious, Bart L. James, Kessla, and Loudon, made their way towards Cold Springs to the south. Soon after, the party looked on as a wagon, Guarded by a Zhent patrol, made its way up the Tethyamar Trail toward the entrance of Dagger Falls.

The party immediately attacked. As they attacked, they noticed the guards up the road by the Dagger Falls gate were looking inward to the town. The party overcame the Zhents, and soon horns could be heard from within the city. The party then decided it was time to rest, rather than try to keep going on what little sleep they had with no spells to aid them. They took the wagon, which was filled with 800 Gold pieces, into the woods a ways.

In the morning, Peck went to check out the Gate, and he saw Zhents retreating from the city gate. He went and got the party, them came back. The Zhents were running scared! Some were on foot, some on horseback, and the ones on foot were being chased Umberto! A Zhent turned to take Umberto from behind, but a Dire Wolf snatched the soldier in its mouth, a  Half-Elven Rider casting spells from atop its back. A female clad in golden armor fought valiantly nearby, cutting down Zhent after Zhent in single combat. A half orc with a longsword and shield was sleighing other of the Black Network's soldiers, sometimes 2 to 3 at a time. Peck saw some Zhents falling over from nothing seemingly nothing, and soon a dagger was at his throat. A Female Halfling Rogue had stealthily sneaked up on him. The party then walked out and appeared before Umberto.

Soon things were resolved and Randal Morn stepped out of the gate. As they walked into the city, Brianna's parents ran up to her. Her mother briefly said hello then went to work healing the injured. Her father thanked the party for keeping her safe, then went back to applying bandages. Randal Morn was then given back the Sword of the Dales, which he then proclaimed his birthright. He thanked Umberto and proclaimed a statue would be built in his honor then invited everyone in for a victory feast..  Alvar was heated at the notion of Umberto getting a statue.  Alvar went to go towards Randal, but Brianna put him to sleep.

During the feast, Seraphina, Selina Sage, Ug Fighter, and introduced themselves to the party. Alvar became drunken and started up again, and he became rude to Lord Morn. Morn chuckled and ordered his guards to take Alvar to the dungeon for a night, and the other party's Alisair announced she would take him to the dungeon.

Soon after, Alvar resumed his place among the party, and Alusair sat with her party across from them.  Peck informed the party of his information about Master Morpheus. And the party had questions whether or not Morpheus was in Tilverton or in West Faerun. They decided to go to Tilverton, and that is when Alusair broker her silence and explained she was Princess of Cormyr, and her father had been trying to capture Tilverton but there had been too many disappearances. Scouts who had been sent there had come up missing as well. Also, Gadroon had explained about his dreams, and Selena Sage, the Druid, had explained to him about Telimas Dreamweaver in Stormpendhaunder in the Spiderhaunt Woods. The party decided to travel to Tilverton, and Alusair said her goodbyes to Selina Sage so she could travel with the party to Tilverton.

Randal Morn would once again bid farewell, as he had plans for the defense of Dagger Falls to handle. The party asked him about master Morpheus, and he had no response. At this time Umberto asked that instead of a statue, could there instead be a shrine to Helm. Morn agreed to this. He then said, wait here, my men will bring you a reward.

During the wait, some of Randal's men could be heard talking about Umberto getting captured and bring brought into the Morn camp before the battle. They explained how Morn let Umberto have his Sword of the Dales and Umberto gave him some other sword. "Then Umberto walked off, dressed as a Zhentarim, and walked into Dagger Falls. Alone!"

 A citizen who had been enslaved to cut down wood recalled what happened next. "I saw it all! This Zhent warrior came into the market street over a broken wall, held up a spectacular sword and yelled 'Merrydale!'  and suddenly all of the anklets and manacles and locks undid themselves and fell apart! Then the Zhent casted off his cloak and it is none other than Umberto and his mighty sword, who began cleaving through the ranks of the Zhentarim. Of course we jumped on the opportunity to help and grabbed rocks and threw our manacles at the Zhents. Then the Calvary appeared over the walls and the Freedom Riders charged into the unprepared Zhentarim!"

Soon Randal's men appear with a large chest. Inside of it is various items:

Where X = Number of Characters Present,

X containers of twenty (20)+2 ammunition
X Free Rider's Cloaks 

Free Rider's Cloak- 

This cloak of neutral green cloth is indistinguishable from an ordinary cloak of the same color. However, when worn with the hood drawn up around the head, it gives the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Hide checks while in a Forest or Wood. The wearer of the Free Rider's Cloak also ignores any Armor Check penalty for wearing armor or shields while in a forest or wood when Hiding.

Forest Meld - The bonus is increased to +10 if the bearer becomes prone and covers themselves with the cloak (full round action) while in a Forest or Wood. This ability is usable once a day, and is broken when the character moves more than 5 feet from where Forest Meld was activated. This also ignores any Armor Check penalty for wearing armor or shields while in a forest or wood when Hiding.

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