Monday, December 7, 2020

Mon Matu


Mon Matu

As you exit the WalMart you see standing next to Dolly a figure in a hooded black robe, stroking her feathered neck. A scaly tail protrudes from a hole in the back of the near pitch black robe. Traces of unrecognizable characters shoot downward on the robe for several inches then emit a bright light as they are extinguished. 

"Do not be afraid." A male voice says in perfect American English. "My name is Mon Matu, and I am a Crystal Warden. I have come here from my Starship which orbits your planet, split into two parts." He points to the sky to the two asteroids orbiting overhead. 

He continues. "My Ship is a prisoner transport that was travelling from distant worlds to our prison planet when a powerful prisoner was somehow released from his stasis. The prisoner released other dangerous passengers and soon our ship was being overrun by all types of dangerous galactic criminals. In the last moments before we were overrun entirely, we enacted our ships failsafe protocol which placed our entire ship into stasis.

"I am unsure how many years passed before your planet struck my starship with your weapons of war.    The Stasis engine was destroyed and the battle continued immediately where it had left off as our ship began to separate in two." We were able to bring low the criminals that had made it to our control room, their reinforcements cut off from them. We are certain all the Crystal Wardens that are on the ship half controlled by our enemy are dead, or possibly worse."

"The Crystal Vaults were our largest chambers separating the crew chambers and control decks from the prisoner stasis decks. The Crystals themselves are the manifest abilities of powerful Galactic Criminals drained from them in transit to our prison world. The blasts from your weapons hurled many of them toward your planet. We were able to use our remaining power to stop our ship from plummeting into your planet, and one last pulse of tractor beam to keep the other portion of our ship from the same fate."

"Our ships communications and navigations systems are destroyed, and your planet lacks the technology or materials to repair it. Our Chief Engineer was working in the prisoner stasis decks when the battle started, his assistant was the one who alerted us to the siege, so I can only assume Mandisi was slain." 

"The crystal matrix is destroyed, which drained the abilities from prisoners and manifested them into the same crystals you are familiar with."

"We lack the man power to overtake the other ship half. A very powerful villain has taken up residence and he has sent his allies to your planet to gain the strength to defeat us finally and gain access to our Star Charts." 


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