Thursday, November 16, 2017

Galdroon's Dream, via Telimas Dreamweaver

You are traveling on the Techamar Trail towards Tilverton, when you feel something watching you from behind. You involuntarily turn around to look north on the road, but it is empty. When you turn back you are suddenly in the clouds looking down on a city. Arrows fly up to meet you but they bounce off of your scales. You try but you cannot control yourself. You five onto a chapel, breathe a gout of flames onto archers from a nearby roof. Suddenly the roof caves in below you, and you fall into the floor with a heavy thud. As you begin to get up, that floor also falls in and suddenly you are in a magnificent cavern. As you fall the debris from the chapel roof and sanctuary floor batters your wings and makes it impossible to fly. You continue falling and notice a purple light below you. The purple light gets bigger as the white light from the day above gets smaller. The purple light  gets brighter, and brighter, and suddenly you see this:

Then immediately, you are back on the road, with your friends, traveling to Tilverton.

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