Thursday, November 16, 2017

Synopsis 4 11/15/17 Plains North of Tilverton

The party rested at the base of the Shadow Gap, and in the morning they looked about to see fields of crops as far as the eye could see. Voxen took to flight as a vulture, and scouted the area (there may or may not have been droppings on the paladin.)

The party saw a few houses off in the far distance with smoke coming from the roofs. The decided to move off of the road toward one of the houses. The farmer was using a fighting Scythe to reap grain. 

The party learned the mans name was Curgan (Holsmith) and he showed them an area of corn that has been diseased and fallen over. He gave some of it to Zhentish forces as a tax. He was in a hurry to get back to work, but Galdroon asked if he could look inside of Curgans home. Curgan said yes, and told the group twice not to touch anything. 

When the party entered the two story shack, they were both confused and astounded. The interior of this house was beautiful in design. A bed in the corner, a kitchen area, a fancy couch, and lining the walls were exquisite sets of Heavy Armor. When Voxen casted detect magic, he was nearly blinded by the magic in the room Heavy amounts of Enchantment with some other magics bleeding through. Ulrich casted detect evil, and the only thing in the room that appeared evil was coming from within a box in the corner of the room. 

Galdroon asked Curgan what it was, and not hiding anything Curgan had them look into the breastplate of a shining suit of armor. He grabbed the box and as they looked in the reflection Curgan pulled a Gorgon head from the box. He said it was his insurance policy and put it away. 

He then went on to explain the details of fighting a Gorgon and how they can Petrify you. Then the party asked him about Beholders, and he explained a battle with one. He had to get back to work, and went out side, touched his belt and began, with supernatural speed, reaping his field with his beautiful masterwork scythe.

The party went outside, grateful Peck did not come inside. They went back over to the Ruined Corn. Voxen detected a faint trace of Conjuration magic, and Sa'ar began to track the trails over to a nearby House where the Curgan's neighbor had disappeared. 

Once inside the house the party noticed toppled furniture as if a fight had ensued. The party borrowed Aden's Brazier of Welcoming and caused everything to be lit and organized. The party investigated and Alusair climbed up to a loft and looked down. "I see now," she said, pointing at the ground. There was a dark pattern on the ground like the one in the corn field. Voxen checked it as well and noticed the same Conjuration residue as before. The party also noted that whatever had come in here did not come out, meaning it was summoned/teleported in and out.

They went toward the next house and came upon a spawn of Dretches teleporting in. The party fought the Demons, and defeated them. They made it to the second house, explained the situation to the owner and her children. Peck and Alusair took the family to a nearby Farm, and went back to set an ambush should the Dretches return. 

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