Thursday, August 8, 2019

Season 3 - Synopsis 1 - Arabel - The Time of Troubles Begins

Active Characters -  Brianna, Brock, Roman, Thundrik, Rarcek, (Silent Bob)
Active Cohorts - None
Inactive Characters Present- None
Inactive Cohorts Present- None
Inactive Characters Not Present - Ulrich, Rorrick, Schoon-chee, Asher, Voxen, Alvar (Chisai), Sa'ar, Galdroon, Peck
Inactive Cohorts Not Present - Elayne
NPCs Attached to Group-

Locations - Arabel (Cormyrean City)- The Pride of Arabel (Inn, Grand), The Weary Knight (Inn, Very Good) Guzundels (Magic Shop), Luorns (Crystal Ball Salesmen), Antharns (well, outside of there), Shrine to Helm, Shrine to Tyr. 

Notable NPCs - Midnight, Commander Duntharr, Luorn Kabarr, Guzundel, Salreen Shamarsair, Dunlas Tathelkom, Antharn, Alanaerle. 

Summary - A Great Storm began all over Faerun (reported) and lasted until nighttime, when in Arabel, a woman named Midnight entered through the previously braced doors of the Pride of Arabel glowing from head to toe with a Pendant grafted to her upper chest. The party worked on recovery, taking care of the citizens. With the help of Dunlas Tathelkom, innkeep, they turned the Pride of Arabel into a field hospital. 

They learned then that Magic was not reliable, bad things could happen when magic was casted, and that Clerics could not get higher than 2nd level spells at all. Brock comforted a Whip-mistress (Cleric) of Loviatar. They met a wizard Antharn, who wanted to research the problem, but was unable to access his house. 

After being provoked by some Worshipers of the Flaming Hand (Bane), and Thundrik blasting them dead, the party ended up meeting Commander Dunthar of the Purple Dragon. He threatened them, and they decided to help him out to gain access to their weapons by virtue of a royal charter.  

The party traveled to the Weary Knight and met Alanaerle, the Innkeeper. She showed them a room with a dead merchant who had changed into a twisted thing, scaled hands and a scorpion tail. His crystal ball appears to have exploded as well. Brianna found a mold spores that has been imbued with a transmutation spells. Silent Bob located a piece of paper that said '50G', and looked like a receipt. It said Guzundels on it. As Brock was helping (pretty sure he was helping himself as well) Alanaerle, the party was then approached by Luorn Kabarr, who said he would pay them each 1000 gold and give a pearl of power to Brianna for finding out what has been going on with Crystal Balls in the Dragonreach area. Brianna and Roman studied Luorn's balls (the Crystal ones, don't get excited) and determined his were not falsely made. Thundrik and Rarcek went to Guzundels and basically got kicked out and brought back to Commander Duntharr, who exclaimed they needed evidence to ransack someones establishment or home. Duntharr took Thundrik's pistol, despite some mention of the 2nd Amendment (whatever THAT is), and set them on their way. 

Rarcek gathered the parts of the Crystal Ball and rebuilt it, and determined it was imperfect by his Drarven Craft standard. The party ended up back at the Pride of Arabel, where Midnight exclaimed that her magic continued to work normally. 

The next day the party made their way back to Guzundels and while they were trying to get at one of Guzundels Crystall balls, a Dwarven Cleric of Tyr ran down the street proclaiming his Shrine was being destroyed. The party began the fight, but the session ended mid fight. At the same time, Silent Bob was starting to make some type of move on Guzundel. 

XP - Combat - None really.
Session XP - 1500xp

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