Thursday, August 22, 2019

Season 3 - Synopsis 2 - Arabel - Many Foul Balls

Active Characters -  Brianna, Roman, Thundrik, Rarcek, Valtyra (vol-teer-ah, formerly Silent Bob)
Active Cohorts - None
Inactive Characters Present- None
Inactive Cohorts Present- None
Inactive Characters Not Present - Ulrich, Rorrick, Schoon-chee, Asher, Voxen, Alvar (Chisai), Sa'ar, Galdroon, Peck, Brock
Inactive Cohorts Not Present - Elayne
NPCs Attached to Group-

Locations - Arabel (Cormyrean City)- Shrine to Tyr, Guzundel's (Magic Shop), Commander Duntharr's Office, Luorn's (Crystal Ball Salesmen), Wizard's Warehouse, 'The Baths' 

Notable NPCs -  Flindurl Cleric of Tyr, Ralphy, Commander Duntharr, Luorn Kabarr, Guzundel

Summary - The session started mid fight with the Shrine of Tyr fight. The thugs and their Captain were being held inside the Shrine by Rarcek, a solid hulk of metal guarding their escape. Outside Thundrik was taking well aimed shots at the enemy, while Brianna was using her support spells to knock the enemy unconscious. Roman completed a summoning spell and four Wolverines appeared, ran by Rarcek and began attacking the Thugs as they began to escape through the Shrine's windows. As they escaped, Roman's wolverines hot on their tails, Thundrik blasted them with his rifle. In the end, 3 thugs were slain, their Captain was arrested along with 2 other thugs, and one thug escaped. The watch arrived and took the thugs into custody. Flindurl was grateful and offered his assistance with healing in the future. Brianna ended up teleporting to Guzundel's where she appeared at a locked door. 

Inside of the locked door was Valtyra and Guzundel, and one of the two was being greatly intimidated and frightened by the Aasimar Female with the glowing halo. Guzundel attempted to get his pet to attack Valtyra, but Ralphy simply played with the Slayer and was generally pretty cute. After some escaping and door breaking, Guzundel ended up back in his store with Brianna calming things and Valtyra getting the answers she needed. The rest of the party arrived and they determined that Guzundel did not know the salesman of the faulty Crystal balls, but he would appear whenever one was sold and replace it with another. 

The party would then run and inform Commander Duntharr, who heard about the saving of the Shrine of Tyr, and gave them their warrants to use weapons in Arabel to defend themselves and tasked them with dealing with the situation. 

The party made a pit stop at Luorn's, and he felt better knowing about the faulty Crystal Balls. Then they headed back to Guzundels, only to find the magic item shop destroyed and Guzundel dead, apparently electrocuted, blown through the wall of his store. Rarcek checked immediately for life, but the human was dead. Ralphy was nearby, very disturbed and angry, and went off in a direction growling and sniffing the ground. The party followed. 

The playful young Bull Mastif ended up at a warehouse, and once inside, the party knew they had found what they were looking for. Then, suddenly, an Electrified Flesh Golem appeared from under a pile of crates, smashing them onto some of the player characters. Rarcek leapt into action, and then a fireball struck Thundrik and Brianna from out of nowhere. The party was also dealing with a flying, invisible Wizard! The party used their combined abilities to bring down the electrified monstrosity and soon after Valtyra clove the Wizard in two by leaping into the air and bringing her sword down through him. As he fell from the sky four of his Orbs fell and crashed all over Valtyra, and suddenly she changed into a Scorpion-thing that the victim at the Weary Knight Inn had become. 

The warehouse was quickly on fire and Roman attempted to keep the fire down by use of his magic, which allowed Rarcek to find two chests of gold. Valytra dragged the corpses of their enemies down the streets of Arabal to the tower where Commander Duntharr was about to head home for the day. 

He congratulated them and told them to get rest, there will be more for them to do in the morning, if they wish. He awarded each of the Party Members gold. Brianna stopped by Luorn's and informed him of the party's success and Luorn paid the gold promised, the pearl of power, and gave a Crystal ball to Brianna for the party. Roman went to inquire more about Midnight around the Pride of Arabel, but that come up fruitless. His familiar told him the rest of the party was heading somewhere so he left to meet them. 

The group ended up at a local Gym/Salon/Bathhouse commonly known in Arabel as 'The Baths'. Valtyra ended up fighting at a Gym with Thundrik betting on her to beat down a half-Orc, and then enjoying the next bit of time with a man who she would later know as Luken. 

The rest of the group went to the Bathhouse, where Rarcek was given a deep tissue massage by a feisty redheaded girl named Purcia. Brianna was led to her own personal baths because the bathhouse usually catered to men only. Roman went into the Sauna and sweated away his night. Valtyra, Thundrik, and Brianna ended up at the Salon, getting their hair 'did' and learning some interesting gossip from the ladies there. 

1. The temple of Bane in Zhentil Keep lies in smoking ruins, and all of the god's clerics there were killed; Bane appeared there to his followers in the aftermath of the destruction. This happened the night of the great storm.
2. The gods are stripped of their power; clerics can gain only the simplest magic through prayer.
3. Magic doesn't work properly anymore. All across the Realms spells are going awry; many wizards have been injured or slain by their own magics.
4. The gods have arrived in the Realms to destroy unfaithful worshipers directly, and to reward the loyal and true-with gems, gold, honors, and powerful new magic.
5. Golkont the Hawk-Mage, a solitary wizard who once slew an entire horde of orcs single-handedly with his Art, has been seen in the Stonelands. He was riding a lamia toward Cormyr, and was surrounded by a ring of will-o-the-wisps that moved with him as he rode.
6. Juldoon of Marsember, famous gem merchant, recently paid 6,000 pieces of gold for a new sort of gem, a type never seen in the Realms before; a gem with magical powers.
7. The legendary blade Sorcryst, The Tongue of the Elves, stolen from Myth Drannor long ago (before its fall) has been found again! An adventurer bore it in triumph into Hillsfar, where it was identified by the sage Thannaster. The adventurer, a warrior from far-off
Neverwinter called Huln Darkblade, has not been seen since.

The party returned to the Pride of Arabel, and rested, and in the morning messages were left for each of them to come to the Duntharr's office for another mission. 

XP - Combat - 1500 xp.

Session XP - 1500 xp.

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