Friday, October 18, 2019

Season 3 - Synopsis 3 - Arabel - High Hunt

Active Characters -  Brianna, Roman, Rarcek, Valtyra (val-teir-a) and 10% Thundrik
Active Cohorts - None
Inactive Characters Present- None
Inactive Cohorts Present- None
Inactive Characters Not Present - Ulrich, Rorrick, Schoon-chee, Asher, Voxen, Alvar (Chisai), Sa'ar, Galdroon, Peck, Brock
Inactive Cohorts Not Present - Elayne
NPCs Attached to Group- 

Locations - Arabel (Cormyrean City)- Commander Duntharr's Office, Murder Scene in North Arabel, Mountains North of Arabel, Commander Duntharr's Home, 'The Baths.' 

Notable NPCs -  Kendall Morningstar, Commander Duntharr, Kellyanne Duntharr

Notable Enemies - Ogre Ranger hirelings, Perytons,  Mad Wizard

Summary - 

The party returned to the Pride of Arabel, and rested, and in the morning messages were left for each of them to come to the Duntharr's office for another mission. He told them about corpses found in the street that could have only been killed by a large pointed weapon, although no guards have seen a lance wielding knight riding his charger down the street. The worst part was that each victim had their hearts removed! 

The party was assigned to Investigator Morningstar, who took them to the most recent scene of death. After some investigation, the party realized that the blood trails did not lead just north, they led north and UP, as if a flying creature had taken them. 

The party went north and discovered dead horses on a trail, and then goblins attacked, which did not go well for the goblins due to the party's advanced level. They were able to determine that a Wizard and some warriors traveled north into the craggy area nearby. 

The party investigated, navigated traps, were attacked by Perytons, and as they advanced further they were attacked by Lava Elementals and Ogre Hunters. There was a Wizard there, but he was inexorably killed by the Magical Chaos that has been plaguing all of Abeir-Toril. 

(The wizard Mardigas (level 16) had been working with the Perytons to make sure no one happened upon his experiment. He was a pyromancer that was planning to summon a Lava Elemental army and ransack Arabel, angry at King Azoun for dismissing him from service. He found a location that was once volcanic but had been dormant for many centuries, but it was occupied by Perytons. He promised to equip with all sorts of weapons to assist them in their task if they allow him to experiment unmolested. Leading a unit of Knights from Cormyr to investigate something he made up, they were attacked and killed by the Perytons. Their weapons were taken, and after giving them some of his personal Magic Weapons and Items, Mardigas began working his Pyromancy to create the vast army of Lava Elementals.)

The party returned with the news of their success in dealing with the problem, and were offered dinner at Commander Duntharrs house. 

They went back to the Baths and enjoyed the day until the evening when they arrived at Commander Duntharrs house to enjoy a wonderful dinner cooked up by his wife, Kellyanne. While there, he let them know of another problem that has been coming up that the Watch cannot get a handle on. 

Inn patrons, have been coming up missing. Pre-paying for their rooms and leaving the rooms without any notice, often their steed or carriage left behind. The party was given the names of two recent missing persons and they are in the process of investigating when we left off.

XP - Combat - 4500 xp.

Session XP - 1500 xp.

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