Thursday, November 16, 2017

Synopsis 4 11/15/17 Plains North of Tilverton

The party rested at the base of the Shadow Gap, and in the morning they looked about to see fields of crops as far as the eye could see. Voxen took to flight as a vulture, and scouted the area (there may or may not have been droppings on the paladin.)

The party saw a few houses off in the far distance with smoke coming from the roofs. The decided to move off of the road toward one of the houses. The farmer was using a fighting Scythe to reap grain. 

The party learned the mans name was Curgan (Holsmith) and he showed them an area of corn that has been diseased and fallen over. He gave some of it to Zhentish forces as a tax. He was in a hurry to get back to work, but Galdroon asked if he could look inside of Curgans home. Curgan said yes, and told the group twice not to touch anything. 

When the party entered the two story shack, they were both confused and astounded. The interior of this house was beautiful in design. A bed in the corner, a kitchen area, a fancy couch, and lining the walls were exquisite sets of Heavy Armor. When Voxen casted detect magic, he was nearly blinded by the magic in the room Heavy amounts of Enchantment with some other magics bleeding through. Ulrich casted detect evil, and the only thing in the room that appeared evil was coming from within a box in the corner of the room. 

Galdroon asked Curgan what it was, and not hiding anything Curgan had them look into the breastplate of a shining suit of armor. He grabbed the box and as they looked in the reflection Curgan pulled a Gorgon head from the box. He said it was his insurance policy and put it away. 

He then went on to explain the details of fighting a Gorgon and how they can Petrify you. Then the party asked him about Beholders, and he explained a battle with one. He had to get back to work, and went out side, touched his belt and began, with supernatural speed, reaping his field with his beautiful masterwork scythe.

The party went outside, grateful Peck did not come inside. They went back over to the Ruined Corn. Voxen detected a faint trace of Conjuration magic, and Sa'ar began to track the trails over to a nearby House where the Curgan's neighbor had disappeared. 

Once inside the house the party noticed toppled furniture as if a fight had ensued. The party borrowed Aden's Brazier of Welcoming and caused everything to be lit and organized. The party investigated and Alusair climbed up to a loft and looked down. "I see now," she said, pointing at the ground. There was a dark pattern on the ground like the one in the corn field. Voxen checked it as well and noticed the same Conjuration residue as before. The party also noted that whatever had come in here did not come out, meaning it was summoned/teleported in and out.

They went toward the next house and came upon a spawn of Dretches teleporting in. The party fought the Demons, and defeated them. They made it to the second house, explained the situation to the owner and her children. Peck and Alusair took the family to a nearby Farm, and went back to set an ambush should the Dretches return. 

Galdroon's Dream, via Telimas Dreamweaver

You are traveling on the Techamar Trail towards Tilverton, when you feel something watching you from behind. You involuntarily turn around to look north on the road, but it is empty. When you turn back you are suddenly in the clouds looking down on a city. Arrows fly up to meet you but they bounce off of your scales. You try but you cannot control yourself. You five onto a chapel, breathe a gout of flames onto archers from a nearby roof. Suddenly the roof caves in below you, and you fall into the floor with a heavy thud. As you begin to get up, that floor also falls in and suddenly you are in a magnificent cavern. As you fall the debris from the chapel roof and sanctuary floor batters your wings and makes it impossible to fly. You continue falling and notice a purple light below you. The purple light gets bigger as the white light from the day above gets smaller. The purple light  gets brighter, and brighter, and suddenly you see this:

Then immediately, you are back on the road, with your friends, traveling to Tilverton.

Sa'ar's Backstory

Sa'ar was hunting all night away from his nomadic tribe in the Anauroch Desert. Upon his return the tents had been lit aflame and the animals and villagers were slain, including all of Sa'ars family. While walking the gruesome scene, he came to the high priestess of the tribe, her eyes glowing violet around their edges. Suddenly all went dark.

The next morning Sa'ar awoke. He looked for the priestess but she was nowhere to be found. He buried every tribesman with their valuables, gathered the skins of the slain animals for trade and left the area.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Synopsis 3 10/18/17 Shadow Gap

The party consisting of Ulric, Sa'ar, Galdroon, Peck and Alusair began their travel over the Shadow Gap towards Tilverton at an hour after high noon. It is only a short trip before a ruckus can be heard over the next rise.

Sa'ar and Peck scouted forward and returned to tell the party that a band of 10 Zhentarim Soldiers and their Ogre ally had captured a Mountain Lion and were torturing the beast to death. Immediately Ulric surged forward on his mount. Peck grabbed onto Ulric as he passed.

Ulric charged over the rise and landed a blow on the Ogre, causing him to drop the lion on the ground. Peck leaped off of the paladin's horse and landed a blow on the Ogre as well. The Zhentarim scattered, some to their horses to give chase to their mounted enemy, and some went to surround whoever was behind the massive ogre.

The ogre turned around and smacked the halfling with a solid blow, and seeing the Zhentarim about to surround Peck, Galdroon let loose with a fireball which immediately killed 3 Zhentarim and damaged another as well as the Ogre. Galdroon saw the situation getting bleak for Peck and rode forth on his horse.

Ulric had turned around and rejoined the fray by charging 3 Zhentarim. Sa'ar meanwhile slayed the ogre with two arrows in the head. The ogre fell at Peck but the halfling jumped and landed on top of the ogre. He quickly grabbed one of Sa'ars arrows and fired at a Zhent, but missed by a wide margin.

The Zhentarim began falling and the situation getting bleak, four horsemen (not intended) began to flee towards Tilverton. Seeing the problem with Zhents notifying their leadership, Galdroon unleashed another fireball at the riders, slaying them and critically damaging their horses.

Alusair grabbed two horses as Galdroons direction and Galdroon attempted to calm the damaged Warhorses. Sa'ar meanwhile went to the Mountian Lion and began to calm him. Galdroon attempted to heal the horses by sprinkling a  potion on the horses.

"Get away from those horses! You nearly killed them with a fireball and now you try to help them?!" an Elf walked out of the woods and yelled at Galdroon, who instantly became defensive and startled. The newcomer, who was named Voxen, scolded Galdroon, healed the horses and tended to the Mountain Lion, who was able to scurry off.

Voxen was apprehensive to most of the party, and they described the Zhentarim which Voxen claimed he had not heard of. He then stated he will travel with the party and learn more about the Zhents who were known slavers. They took the Zhent horses with them, so they were not left unattended to.

That night, the party was discussing to camp or push, Ulric and Voxen's horses began to startle. Ulric casted Detect Evil and saw large figures approaching in the darkness. 3 trolls attacked from one side and 1 troll attacked from the other.

The battle was fierce, with Galdroon opening with Burning hands and Alusair coming to his side. The trolls closed and Galdroon was bitten and clawed fiercely, leaving him near death (albeit at full combat effectiveness). Ulric fought from atop his steed and Peck sneaked attacks at the trolls from the back of Ulric's steed. The trolls were regenerating their wounds, and Voxen stated they must be killed with fire. Voxen then unleashed a spell that caused lightning to come down from the sky!

Sa'ar was by himself with the single troll, who was armored and wielding a large two handed (troll's hands) sword. It charged him, but ended up taking massive damage from a very well placed pair of arrows. Voxen quickly sparked the unconscious body into flame, causing the wounds not to heal.

Ulric charged toward Galdroon to protect him, and on the way Peck, with a spell cast by Voxen, slew a troll with a mighty fire rune attack. Galdroon had a flaming sphere out, burning the trolls who could not avoid its attacks.

Another troll was unharmed, and he lashed out at Alusair, tripped and fell face first into Ulric's Warhammer.

There was another troll who was healthy and fighting Ulric, and the paladin swung low, through Galdroons flaming sphere, into the Troll.

From out of nowhere a large Half orc armed with a glowing sword rides up on a warhorse, jumps off, flies through the air and lands a mighty blow on the troll.

The next round the last troll was still prone, and the group ended up beating him near death. The half orc would unleash a devastating attack, nearly severing the Troll in two. Galdroon finished him off with his flaming sphere.

The trolls defeated, the party located a treasure sack on the Troll leader. They rested and continued down the trail the next morning. Along the way, they came upon a couple building a tavern on the side of the road. The people offered to take the horses off the party's hands, in exchange for 100 gold and free stay when they returned to the Shadow Gap in the future. The party would make it down the mountains to the plains north of Tilverton.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Synopsis 2

"We want to fight," Loudon the Cooper said. The other civilian men grunted in agreement. "We will send the women and children down the river to safety, then we fight for our city. It is our decision, let us know when you are ready to go out and fight."

Umberto went back upstairs into the keep tower and informed the party of the wishes of the citizens. "They said let them know, so we just won't let them know."

The storm hit hard, and the mangonels stopped hurling their cascade of rocks. Visibility was very poor. Lightning was everywhere and it seemed like the Gods were upset. Realizing the Zhents would be at them soon, the party decided to retreat into the Caves. Members started descending down the ladder until only Umberto was left. And there he immediately covered the entrance to the tunnel with furniture, ensuring it was heavy enough no one could get through.

The party made their way into the tunnel, miserably low on spells, until they made it to the underground river. There the civilians and they entered the water and made their way out to the River Tesh. The civilians, Ignacious, Bart L. James, Kessla, and Loudon, made their way towards Cold Springs to the south. Soon after, the party looked on as a wagon, Guarded by a Zhent patrol, made its way up the Tethyamar Trail toward the entrance of Dagger Falls.

The party immediately attacked. As they attacked, they noticed the guards up the road by the Dagger Falls gate were looking inward to the town. The party overcame the Zhents, and soon horns could be heard from within the city. The party then decided it was time to rest, rather than try to keep going on what little sleep they had with no spells to aid them. They took the wagon, which was filled with 800 Gold pieces, into the woods a ways.

In the morning, Peck went to check out the Gate, and he saw Zhents retreating from the city gate. He went and got the party, them came back. The Zhents were running scared! Some were on foot, some on horseback, and the ones on foot were being chased Umberto! A Zhent turned to take Umberto from behind, but a Dire Wolf snatched the soldier in its mouth, a  Half-Elven Rider casting spells from atop its back. A female clad in golden armor fought valiantly nearby, cutting down Zhent after Zhent in single combat. A half orc with a longsword and shield was sleighing other of the Black Network's soldiers, sometimes 2 to 3 at a time. Peck saw some Zhents falling over from nothing seemingly nothing, and soon a dagger was at his throat. A Female Halfling Rogue had stealthily sneaked up on him. The party then walked out and appeared before Umberto.

Soon things were resolved and Randal Morn stepped out of the gate. As they walked into the city, Brianna's parents ran up to her. Her mother briefly said hello then went to work healing the injured. Her father thanked the party for keeping her safe, then went back to applying bandages. Randal Morn was then given back the Sword of the Dales, which he then proclaimed his birthright. He thanked Umberto and proclaimed a statue would be built in his honor then invited everyone in for a victory feast..  Alvar was heated at the notion of Umberto getting a statue.  Alvar went to go towards Randal, but Brianna put him to sleep.

During the feast, Seraphina, Selina Sage, Ug Fighter, and introduced themselves to the party. Alvar became drunken and started up again, and he became rude to Lord Morn. Morn chuckled and ordered his guards to take Alvar to the dungeon for a night, and the other party's Alisair announced she would take him to the dungeon.

Soon after, Alvar resumed his place among the party, and Alusair sat with her party across from them.  Peck informed the party of his information about Master Morpheus. And the party had questions whether or not Morpheus was in Tilverton or in West Faerun. They decided to go to Tilverton, and that is when Alusair broker her silence and explained she was Princess of Cormyr, and her father had been trying to capture Tilverton but there had been too many disappearances. Scouts who had been sent there had come up missing as well. Also, Gadroon had explained about his dreams, and Selena Sage, the Druid, had explained to him about Telimas Dreamweaver in Stormpendhaunder in the Spiderhaunt Woods. The party decided to travel to Tilverton, and Alusair said her goodbyes to Selina Sage so she could travel with the party to Tilverton.

Randal Morn would once again bid farewell, as he had plans for the defense of Dagger Falls to handle. The party asked him about master Morpheus, and he had no response. At this time Umberto asked that instead of a statue, could there instead be a shrine to Helm. Morn agreed to this. He then said, wait here, my men will bring you a reward.

During the wait, some of Randal's men could be heard talking about Umberto getting captured and bring brought into the Morn camp before the battle. They explained how Morn let Umberto have his Sword of the Dales and Umberto gave him some other sword. "Then Umberto walked off, dressed as a Zhentarim, and walked into Dagger Falls. Alone!"

 A citizen who had been enslaved to cut down wood recalled what happened next. "I saw it all! This Zhent warrior came into the market street over a broken wall, held up a spectacular sword and yelled 'Merrydale!'  and suddenly all of the anklets and manacles and locks undid themselves and fell apart! Then the Zhent casted off his cloak and it is none other than Umberto and his mighty sword, who began cleaving through the ranks of the Zhentarim. Of course we jumped on the opportunity to help and grabbed rocks and threw our manacles at the Zhents. Then the Calvary appeared over the walls and the Freedom Riders charged into the unprepared Zhentarim!"

Soon Randal's men appear with a large chest. Inside of it is various items:

Where X = Number of Characters Present,

X containers of twenty (20)+2 ammunition
X Free Rider's Cloaks 

Free Rider's Cloak- 

This cloak of neutral green cloth is indistinguishable from an ordinary cloak of the same color. However, when worn with the hood drawn up around the head, it gives the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Hide checks while in a Forest or Wood. The wearer of the Free Rider's Cloak also ignores any Armor Check penalty for wearing armor or shields while in a forest or wood when Hiding.

Forest Meld - The bonus is increased to +10 if the bearer becomes prone and covers themselves with the cloak (full round action) while in a Forest or Wood. This ability is usable once a day, and is broken when the character moves more than 5 feet from where Forest Meld was activated. This also ignores any Armor Check penalty for wearing armor or shields while in a forest or wood when Hiding.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Synopsis 8/15/17

After the sacking of Tren's Keep Tower, the Zhentarim force departed the keep walls and made camp in the market square, out of site of the keep. They left some guards behind who arranged chunks of debris as cover. A few hours after that, around noon, trees started falling in the nearby forest. Umberto had Sa'ar fire shots at the guards, and after Brianna's Hermean Potential spell, he ended up killing one and causing the Guards to retreat to complete cover behind the debris. Brianna healed Nala (Alvars Hot Mom).

Umberto said, "You know why the Zhents can get such troops and mages and clerics? They pay very well. If any of you are looking for loot though, don't waste your time on the individual soldiers, in the their camp will be a well guarded chest with the payroll. That's what I'd steal."

Brianna went and looked for the 'powerful' prisoner in the jail, but he was gone.

Coming back she asked Umberto, "Umberto, you probably have the most experience in situations like this. What do you recommend we do?"

"Friends," Umberto replied, "in a short while we will have guests with battering rams and ladders at our doorstep. We must make a decision. But first we should review all that we found in case there is something useful. And we should split it evenly incase one of us falls in the next hours. There will be little hope for an escape if we must carry an injured person. "

A while later, Umberto said, "So, weve had hours to loot this place, dump out your sacks and rugs and lets tally what we've found."

There was a Chain of Returning, 3 potions of cure moderate wounds, 3 level 5 spellbooks. Brianna immediately began studying the spellbooks.

It's late afternoon, and a violent storm began to approach from the southwest.

Umberto had moved every piece of furniture he could lift, which was pretty much everything, to black the tower door. He left a path to the basement. He then went up to the third floor and repaired the damaged wall. After that he took water from the well and watered down all of the wooden items. Finally, he asked Warwick to cast an illusion of Morn's standard on the flagpole, reminding Warwick to watch out for fireballs.

Umberto, where a normal man would have been past exhaustion from this amount of preparation and labor, was still ready to fight. He looked at Alvar and said, "Chisai! If there is a battle today, it will be remembered for enerations. Will you be one of those who held the tower vs impossible odds?? Or will you be one who slipped away in the darkness?"

"Have you ever known me to run from a flight of impossible odds?" Alvar replied sternly. "We will either prevail and survive, living to fight another day, or live forever in the pages of history."

Godly added, "I fully intend to read those pages of history, tonight will not be Peck Godfrey's last night."

"Brianna," Umberto asked her, "can you get a message to your parents? If so, ask them to send word to Randal Morn. The Morn banner flies over Dagger Keep." Brianna, not hearing from either parent yet since the Dragon Attack, so she planned, after she got some rest, to use Minor Dream to do so.

"Godley,those Zhentarim soldiers are busy now. They have too much gold. Can you go relieve them of their paychest? Also, Brianna might have something for you to drop into their cookpot. Warwick, play us some music to ease the work and so that the townsfolk know we hold the keep. Sa'ar, keep those Zhentarim Soldiers away from the keep. An arrow to the chest should be sufficient. Godley might need a distraction if he is to leave undetected. Maybe."

On the seventh hour, with the storm still getting closer, a large crackling sound, like someone destroying statue with a single blow, can be heard from outside. Umberto rushed to see what it was, and noticed a large splatter of stones scattered  around the courtyard. He guessed it was fired from a large mangonel.

Another mass of rocks flew through the air, landing closer to the base of the tower than before.

Godley said upon his return, "I am willing to sneak ouside the walls, or what is left of them at least, if we think I would be of more benefit out there. Granted I don't know how much I can carry back myself if I'm looting. The attack is just getting started. Would it not be better to turn to the trap dooe and sneak out the way we came in?"

Umberto went back to the group, "Who wants to slaughter some Zhents?"

"You want some backup Umberto?" Godley replied. "I can follow in your shadow, unseen."

"I'd love to have my favorite shadow of death at my side. Where you pass, people drop dead."

"If you lose sight of me Umberto, do not worry. I am never more than a rapier away."

Brianna said, "I could cast Minor Dream to talk to my parents. 20 words or less. I'd have to rest to regain spells though."

Realizing resting would be impossible now, not just because of the increasing commotion caused by the mangonels, but then fire arrows flew through the air,  searching for their flammable targets. "We could always rest downstairs. Plus, we could escape through the river."

Umberto went back down to the townsfolk. "I need your permission before I go and do battle with these Zhentarim. Do you, the free people of Dagger Falls want me to bring vengeance upon them? Do you have evidence of their oppression that you would like to bring forth and let me know? Do you accept responsibility for their deaths at my hand? For you are the Judge and Jury in this matter, and I am merely an instrument of Justice."

To be cont during next session.