Thursday, February 1, 2018

Synopsis 6 - Travelling REALLY far... aka that session with no combat.

Active Players: Josh, Ross, Ryan and Kevin

Active Characters: Rorrick, Voxen, Sa'ar, and Shoon-chee.

Location: Spazzu, 6th Layer of the Abyss

Deadly Ideas and Excellent Information

Present Characters - Active, Peck, Galdroon, Chisai, Alusair

The story starts when the party is at M'Kar Sect's sanctuary, a few hours after defeating the Sect Followers and their Ocular Adept, and the party is deciding about a course of action. In the hours after the battle the party was able to gather many gems of information about Spazzu and its workings. They were able to gather a list of Sects and determine some of the minor alliances within. Some other information came to light as well.

1. The source of the "How many slaves are there" questions was not good at math. There are over 15,000 slaves in the caves.

2. When the two Largest Sects in Spazzu were mentioned, Xanthad came up. Peck (rolling memory) remembered 'Xanthad' from a story told to him by Bartle James. The party used this information to gather more items of interest:
        A. That Xanthad was a Beholder
        B. That he had demons in his employ, something not allowed in Spazzu.
        C. That Tilverton was one portal location, Baldurs Gate and Calimshan being two more.
        D. The portal leads to the 245th Layer, the Scalding Sea, to the island with the Fountain of

The party decided it would simply rescue Elayne and escape. But that was not enough, a few party members wanted to cause havoc in Spazzu, by abusing the brittle truces and pacts among the Sects. The party decided to do this by orchestrating a few Sects against another. Also to sow confusion in the city while the party makes its escape.

The Tavern and the Blood

Present Characters - Active only

The party arrived at the Xanthad area local establishment to set their idea into play. Upon entering the tavern, a motley looking Human immediately began eyeing them. Rorrick asked if there was a problem. The Human requested to sell some wares to the Rorrick and his two friends (he missed Shoon-chee). Once outside, the human walked into an allyway, and tried to get the party to follwo him. The human identified himself as Denger and explained the party looked like a bunch of Primes (Characters from the Prime Material Plane) and asked if they were Addle-Coved (Idiots). He went on to state that if the party began fighting in the establishment, it might break his cover, and he is on a mission, which he would not share. He stated he could easily see through their cover, and if they went in the tavern they may be discovered.

The party explained what had happened, and their plan, and Denger agreed to help the party. He arranged a Minotaur to take the party to the portal in the caves. He offered some advice for the party, namely to avoid the area around the fortress of Xanthad. The party may see things that disturb it greatly, but it must continue toward the portal.

Rescuing Elayne

The party went to Zemulsh' Sect house and recovered Elayne without incident, and made it to the tavern to collect the rest of the party. Then they would be off to meet the Minotaur.

The Minotaur and the cave

Gall-Ruuk, the Minotaur, was paid 1500 gold to take the party to the Portal in the caves. This is the task of Minotaurs in Spazzu, to navigate the winding system of caves. Minotaurs are immune to being lost. Before the journey, the party tried every which way to get Alvar and Galdroon to stay on track and not get off the path. A few hours into the cave, up, down, left right and sideways through winding corridors, the party came to an opening in the path. Looking out to the right, the party could see the immense fortress of Xanthad the Beholder. The cave opened into a grand cavern. Hundreds of slaves could be seen working all about, but one thing in particular grabbed the attention of the group. A huge red dragon, shackled and unconscious, lied unceremoniously caged and alone in the middle of the field. Galdroon tried many times to go and save it, but the party Suggested he save that for later, the threat being too large. The party continued to a green pool, and the Minotaur turned back to Spazzu. Rorrick checked that the water was safe and the party tapped the Chicken Bone at the ground. A portal opened, and the party went through, Shoon-chee first.

Sigil, aka the City of Doors, aka the Cage. 

Erupting from a fireplace (Harry Potter style) the party found themselves in a restaurant. The bartender welcomed them. The party looked about and noticed several strange creatures eating at the Restaurant. They exchanged The Chant (news) with a guide who offered to get them back to Baldurs Gate. The human looking guide went away and he returned with an offer, 3000 gold.

Out in the street, the party could see the name of the Tavern:

The guide gave the party a pocket watch (and a new Chicken Bone) and took them to a room with a painting of a Knight. The party made it through the portal, and ended up in a dark room.

Return to the beginning

The portal did not lead to Baldurs Gate, instead the portal landed under the Last Outpost, the new power center of the Zhentarim. The same room with the four pillars where the party ascended, knocked out some Zhents, and escaped toward White Chalk Hollow to the east.

Goodbye Alusair

Alusair announced that she needed to head back to Cormyr and speak with her father about the happenings at Tilverton. She said her goodbyes to the party and spoke with Shoon-chee and Alvar briefly. Then she was gone.

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