Friday, February 2, 2018

The Last Outpost, a.k.a the Jewel of Anauroch

The Last Outpost - 
A.K.A. the Jewel of Anauroch

This bustling trading post is mounted up on a raised portion of land on the eastern edge of the Anauroch Desert, and provides a trading post between the Dalelands, the various inhabitants of the Great Sand Sea, and Caravans bringing supplies from the Sword Coast and beyond. 

Alignment and Type - LN Small Town (No size modifier)
(A Lawful component increases its Law modifier by 1A neutral component increases its lore modifier by 1)

Date/Time - 1356 DR/Time is regulated in the city by the sun and usual means.

Corruption +0 (-1 Government, +1 Defensible) The Last Outpost is a Straightforward Military Outpost. Where corruption is found and cut out, usually with a longsword. 

Corruption measures how open a settlement’s officials are to bribes, how honest its citizens are, and how likely anyone in town is to report a crime. Low corruption indicates a high level of civic honesty. A settlement’s corruption modifies all Bluff checks made against city officials or guards and all Stealth checks made outside (but not inside buildings or underground).

Crime +1 (+1 Defensible) With the Zhentarim watch on patrol, it is very dangerous to be caught stealing within the walls. The Zhentarim have various methods of dealing with trouble makers.

Crime is a measure of a settlement’s lawlessness. A settlement with a low crime modifier is relatively safe, with violent crimes being rare or even unknown, while a settlement with a high crime modifier is likely to have A powerful thieves’ guild and a significant problem with violence. The atmosphere generated by a settlement’s crime level applies as a modifier on Sense Motive checks to avoid being bluffed and to Sleight of Hand checks made to pick pockets.

Economy +4 (+1 Prosperous, +1 Resettled Ruins, +2 Defensible)  The Last Outpost has a chance to find anything from throughout the realms. 

A settlement’s economy modifier indicates the health of its trade and the wealth of its successful citizens. A low economy modifier doesn’t automatically mean the town is beset with poverty—it could merely indicate A town with little trade or one that is relatively self-sufficient. Towns with high economy modifiers always have large markets and many shops. A settlement’s economy helps its citizens make money, and thus it applies as a modifier on all Craft, Perform, and Profession checks made to generate income.

Law +8 (+1 Lawful +3 Government, +4 Fascistic) The Zhentarim soldiers keep a steady eye on trade, and taxes are collected upon exit. 

Law measures how strict a settlement’s laws and edicts are. A settlement with a low law modifier isn’t necessarily crime-ridden—in fact, A low law modifier usually indicates that the town simply has little need for protection since crime is so rare. A high law modifier means the settlement’s guards are particularly alert, vigilant, and well-organized. The more lawful A town is, the more timidly its citizens tend to respond to shows of force. A settlement’s law modifier applies on Intimidate checks made to force an opponent to act friendly, Diplomacy checks against government officials, or Diplomacy checks made to call on the city guard.

Lore +2 (+1 Neutral +1 Resettled Ruins) There are rumors of a secret underground fortress that the Last Outpost was built upon, which allows it to be on higher land then the surrounding area. Various peoples from throughout the realms might be here trading or selling their services.

A settlement’s lore modifier measures not only how willing the citizens are to chat and talk with visitors, but also how available and accessible its libraries and sages are. A low lore modifier doesn’t mean the settlement’s citizens are idiots, just that they’re close-mouthed or simply lack knowledge resources. A settlement’s lore modifier applies on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Knowledge checks made using the city’s resources to do research when using a library.

Society -6 (-1 Government, -1 Defensible, -4 Society) Anyone that looks like would be adventurer is scorned by the Zhentarim merchants. The Last Outpost is a trade outpost, not an adventuring site. 

Society measures how open-minded and civilized A settlement’s citizens are. A low society modifier might mean many of the citizens harbor prejudices or are overly suspicious of out-of-towners. A high society modifier means that citizens are used to diversity and unusual visitors and that they respond better to well-spoken attempts at conversation. A settlement’s society modifier applies on all Disguise checks, as well as on Diplomacy checks made to alter the attitude of any non-government official.

Danger - 0

Base Value -  1300gp  (1000gp small city, Prosperous -increase by 30%)

Purchase Limit -  15000gp (5000gp small city, Trading Post - double, Prosperous - increase by 50%.)

Spellcasting - 6th level

Minor Items/Medium Items/Major Items -  3D4+1D3/1D6+1D3/1 

Qualities - 2 (Small City) (added two more for fluff)

Trading Post - The Last Outpost is both a Military Headquarters for the Zhentarim and a thriving Trading post. 

The settlement’s primary purpose is trade. Merchants and buyers from all over the world can be found within the settlement. Double the Purchase Limit for the settlement.

Prosperous - Travelers throughout the realms travel here vice travelling to Zhentil Keep themselves, and Zhentarim Caravans complete the journey east. (though now they have to be extra protected bypassing the Dales as Randal Morn has control there)

The settlement is a popular hub for trade. Merchants are wealthy and the citizens live well. Increase Economy +1; Increase Base Value by 30%; Increase Purchase Limit by 50%.

Resettled Ruins - There are rumors of a secret underground fortress that the Last Outpost was built upon, which allows it to be on higher land then the surrounding area. Some people have reported seeing Ghosts in the Watchtowers.

The settlement is built amid the ruins of a more ancient structure. The settlement might be little more than a collection of tents and yurts erected in ruined plazas, or a thriving metropolis whose stones were recycled from long-forgotten temples and fortresses. While ruins provide a ready source of building materials, near-by dungeons to plunder and ancient artifacts to explore, they might also provide a hiding place for modern dangers or old curses. Increase Economy +1, Lore +1. Add +1d3 to the amount of magic items in any category the settlement’s size would allow it to normally offer. If the settlement’s size would not normally allow it to have magic items of a particular category, it always has at least one randomly chosen item of that category for sale. However, if a buyer rolls a natural one on any Appraise or Diplomacy check made to examine or purchase a locally bought magic item, that item is always cursed.

Defensible- The Last Outpost is still an outpost of the Zhentarim. They use the ancient structures predating their occupation to keep out any invaders.

The settlement is strategically situated to make it easier to defend, giving its inhabitants confidence and making the settlement a major local trade hub. Increase Corruption +1, Crime +1, Economy +2. Decrease Society -1.



Fascistic- Face it, it IS the Zhentarim. 

Special Restriction: Lawful communities only The settlement is governed by a totalitarian regime. Sadistic and legally all-powerful soldiers walk the streets, enforcing the settlement’s brutal laws. Outsiders are mistrusted and undesirables often simply disappear. Increase Law +4, Decrease Society -4. If the settlement has either the Pious or Racially Intolerant qualities, the town’s military or police forces will usually kill, imprison or enslave undesirables.


Government - Military 

The settlement is an armed garrison that exists solely to serve the military forces deployed there. It may be a massive military base and training complex, a wilderness fortress or a keep that patrols a major trade route, depending on its size. The settlement may even be an ordinary town or city that recently fell under military rule after a coup or uprising that led to the declaration of martial law. Increase Law +3. Decrease Corruption -1, Society -1.

Population - 
Small City 200 - 2000

Citizens - Human (plentiful)

Notable NPCs - 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. "It is the Zhentarim after all" That made me chuckle.
