Friday, February 23, 2018

Synopsis 8 - The Sword Coast - Ulcaster's School of Magic Part 2 - Dungeon Crawl

Active Characters - Shoonchee, Brianna, Peck Godfrey, Galdroon, Sa'ar, Alvar (Chisai)
Inactive Characters Present -  Rorrick, Brock (Umberto), Voxen
Inactive Cohorts Present - Elayne
Inactive Characters Not Present - Ulrich, Warrick
NPCs Present - Elayne (Alusair just departed to Cormyr)

The party was still under a section of Ulcaster's School of Magic. Active characters decided to rest in a Dry room (3) and they have set up a watch. Sa'ar was on duty when suddenly a Ghost appeared sitting at one of the tables. The Ghost was a female, her arms were trying frustratingly to read a book that rested on the table before her. The apparition’s arms simply passed through the book as if they didn't exist. Sa'ar waked Brianna and they began to check if the Ghost wanted anything. The Ghost simply said  with its finger to her Ghostly lips, "Shhh." After another attempt to assist the ghost, Brianna was suddenly attacked. The party was awoken and the Ghost let out a Fearsome howl, terrifying some party members. Alvar was able to keep the Ghost very busy and the party eventually defeated it. 

The Galdroon and Peck then went down to area 4 and found a small box with White Powder inside of it. Galdroon dabbed a bit of the powder to his tongue. Then Peck rubbed the outside of the box and it said "SP gathered from Dragon Droppings." He could not decide what it was so he brought it to Briana who identified it as Salt Peter.

The party continued to Area 6 where they opened the door to find a Ghostly Cleric and 3 of his Wood Golem Orderlies. Pack was invited inside to sit on a cot and the Ghostly Cleric kept checking on Skeletons in the other beds. When he came around to one bed, that Shoochee and Ru-ee were hiding under, he detected her, and had her get on a bed. Peck tried to get up but was held down by the orderly. 

Out of nowhere, Alvar charges the Ghost in the room, despite the other party member's attempts to stop him. Soon after everything went to chaos. Galdroon was shooting fireballs into the room, some party members were fleeing in fear, Alvar was nearly killed from attacks from the three Golems (not to mention Galdroons fireball). 

Sa'ar came to the rescue by dealing sustantial damage to the Golems as they marched forward, all the while Brianna healing and doing what she can to help the party. As the final Golem was about to attack, it was brought down be Sa'ar's murderous arrows. 

As the party regrouped, Peck went ahead and up a winding flight of stairs into a Alchemical laboratory with a massive door blocking the exit. A mystery ensued, and the party was able to determine what had happened and and complete the mystery (don't want to give too much away).

The party was finally outdoors in the late afternoon, looking at the Ulcaster's School's Ruins.

The party split up, some characters remaining behind to clean the area and repair it for use as a stronghold.

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